Notice is hereby given that the Medford Township Board of Education, Township of Medford,
County of Burlington, has a Work Session/Regular Meeting scheduled for Monday, April 24,
2023 to be held at the Board of Education Office, 137 Hartford Rd., Medford, NJ. Said Work
Session to commence at 6:15 P.M. with the Regular Meeting beginning immediately after the
conclusion of the work session, but not earlier than 6:45 P.M. and no later than 7:15 P.M., where official action will be taken.
County of Burlington, has a Work Session/Regular Meeting scheduled for Monday, April 24,
2023 to be held at the Board of Education Office, 137 Hartford Rd., Medford, NJ. Said Work
Session to commence at 6:15 P.M. with the Regular Meeting beginning immediately after the
conclusion of the work session, but not earlier than 6:45 P.M. and no later than 7:15 P.M., where official action will be taken.
The Board may meet in Executive Session during the Work Session, to discuss matters
considered inappropriate for public discussion under NJSA 10:4-12. The Executive Session is
considered inappropriate for public discussion under NJSA 10:4-12. The Executive Session is
not open to the public.