Ballot Question

Healthy Minds and Safe Schools
Through our strategic planning process, staff members, parents, and community members prioritized the safety and mental health of our students and staff.   As you prepare for Election Day on November 5, 2024, this website will provide you with information on how your vote will impact staff, students, and the community. Your support in this endeavor is crucial to ensuring a safer, more supportive community. Explore this page to learn more about how you can help secure our students' future.
The ballot measure will fund vital resources, including additional school security officers, licensed mental health professionals, behavioral specialists, and a comprehensive safety platform. These resources will strengthen our district’s ability to provide a safe, secure, and nurturing environment for our nearly 3,000 students and staff.
  • Class III Officers (estimated 7)
  • Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinicians (estimated 7)
  • Board Certified Behavior Analysts (estimated 2)
  • Registered Behavioral Technicians (RBT) (estimated 14)
  • Supervisor of Educational Support Services (estimated 1)
  • Student Resource Officer (SRO) (estimated 1)
  • Comprehensive Safety and Communications Platform
Over the past decade, the school community has experienced the increased need for mental health and security for our students. This need coincides with the loss of state funds due to S2 budget cuts totaling $4,056,153 over seven years. 
Our district is committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for every student. In response to community concerns and our 5-year Strategic Plan, this ballot aims to address critical needs in mental health and school security.
By supporting this ballot measure, you will be contributing to a safer, healthier environment for our community. The measure will result in a tax levy increase of $716 for the average assessed home in the first year and $380 per year thereafter—less than $2 a day. This investment will directly fund additional safety personnel, mental health support staff, and enhanced security measures, providing peace of mind for families, improved support for students, and a stronger, more secure community overall.
What can I do?
Volunteers Needed
Parents, guardians, students, staff, and community members are invited to fill out the form below to get involved and support our campaign. Provide your name, contact information, and preferred volunteer activities, and we will reach out to you with more details on how you can contribute.
Questions or Comments
Have a Question?We understand that you may have questions about the ballot measure and how it will impact our schools and community. Please fill out the form below with your question, and a district representative will get back to you as soon as possible with the information you need.
The Medford Township School Community collaborates in the joy of authentic learning experiences, so graduates leave as strong, independent learners equipped with strategies to tackle challenges and direct their social, emotional, and academic growth.