Superintendent's Message

Keira Scussa,
Welcome to what may be your first encounter with the Medford Township Public School District. The overall goal of our website is to provide you with an overview of our district’s programming and direct you to key personnel who will be able to assist you.
In the Medford Township Public School District our number one priority is our students. Therefore, all our decision making is focused on the impact it will have on the individual student, grade level class and the schools. We are extremely proud of our students’ academic and personal achievements, and consistently strive to provide the best curriculum and instructional programming possible. Pleasing school environments conducive to the teaching and learning process are clearly evident in each of our facilities. Additionally, school safety, security and an orderly school climate are maintained at each site to support the instructional program.
Our school community realizes there are many formidable challenges ahead we must overcome but will ultimately benefit from. Foremost, the pandemic, our nation’s economic recovery, Medford’s new housing developments and the day-to-day challenge of meeting the New Jersey Student Learning Standards are among the many. Responding to our annual performance data on State testing provides feedback to assist us in reshaping our curriculum and instruction each year. However, our focus will remain on our students – providing them with an excellent education via our highly qualified teachers. On behalf of our Medford Township Public Schools’ family, we welcome you to visit our facilities and inquire about our district, schools and programs. Our best ambassadors for our schools are our students, staff, parents and visitors – just ask one!